Our research department provides profound market analysis for external clients.
We create and issue the acclaimed and market-leading Toepfer Transport Multipurpose Shipping Index (TMI) and the Toepfer Transport European Shortsea Shipping Index (TSI), and publish subscription-based market reports, such as the quarterly Toepfer Multipurpose Shipping Report and the monthly Toepfer European Shortsea Shipping Report.
We offer vessel valuations for most vessel types and floating equipment according to generally accepted valuation methods.
Many clients rely on Toepfer’s bespoke market intelligence and use Toepfer’s analysis and expertise to support decision making, due diligence processes, and arbitration and legal disputes.
Our research department provides profound market analysis for external clients.
We create and issue the acclaimed and market-leading Toepfer Transport Multipurpose Shipping Index (TMI) and the Toepfer Transport European Shortsea Shipping Index (TSI), and publish subscription-based market reports, such as the quarterly Toepfer Multipurpose Shipping Report and the monthly Toepfer European Shortsea Shipping Report.
We offer vessel valuations for most vessel types and floating equipment according to generally accepted valuation methods.
Many clients rely on Toepfer’s bespoke market intelligence and use Toepfer’s analysis and expertise to support decision making, due diligence processes, and arbitration and legal disputes.
Our widely recognized subscription based market reports and our newsletters provide comprehensible and insightful market information to our business peers. Our publications for the Multipurpose and Shortsea markets as well as our market indices TMI and TSI are leading and oft-cited products in their respective markets.
Our widely recognized subscription based market reports and our newsletters provide comprehensible and insightful market information to our business peers. Our publications for the Multipurpose and Shortsea markets as well as our market indices TMI and TSI are leading and oft-cited products in their respective markets.

(free upon request)
Our Container Market Report gives an independent and personal summary of the happenings in the last month and provides an overview on the market activities, including, but not limited to, last sales, charter rates, and values.

(subscription based)
The quarterly published Toepfer´s Multipurpose Report gives a comprehensive and detailed market summary of the Multipurpose and Heavy Lift segment, together with detailed information on fleet supply and demand as well as operator statistics, along with our market-leading TMI index.

The Toepfer Transport Multipurpose Index (TMI) represents the monthly average timecharter rate assessment for a 6 - 12 months timecharter for a 12.500 tons deadweight MPP / HL "F-Type" vessel.
The Index value is based on the assessments of a well-balanced panel of 10 to 25 leading MPP Owners, Operators and Brokers to ensure a comprehensive market coverage and to reflect the different perspectives of the market participants.

(subscription based)
The monthly Shortsea Report reviews recent trends in the shortsea sector, together with our TSI Index and quarterly fleet updates.

The Toepfer Shortsea Index (TSI)
The Toepfer Transport Shortsea Index (TSI) represents the monthly average timecharter equivalent assessment for two index vessel types.
The index value is based on the assessments of a well-balanced panel of 10 to 30 leading shortsea vessel Owners, Operators and Brokers to ensure a comprehensive market coverage and to reflect the different perspectives of the market participants.
Bespoke Analysis & Reports
Besides our periodical reports, we offer bespoke one-off and regular reports based on our customers’ needs.
Many international clients rely on our bespoke services to support their financing projects, internal decision-making and strategy development processes, and due diligence, as well as legal disputes/arbitrations.
Besides our periodical reports, we offer bespoke one-off and regular reports based on our customers’ needs.
Many international clients rely on our bespoke services to support their financing projects, internal decision-making and strategy development processes, and due diligence, as well as legal disputes/arbitrations.

We offer vessel valuations for most vessel types which are prepared individually by experienced specialists and not by algorithms. We use generally accepted valuation methods applied in accordance with the rules of various financial institutions and authorities.

We developed an established two widely accepted and leading market indices.

The Toepfer Multipurpose Shipping Index (TMI) – the leading Market index for Multipurpose shipping
The Toepfer Transport Multipurpose Index (TMI) represents the monthly average timecharter rate assessment for a 6 - 12 months timecharter for a 12.500 tons deadweight MPP / HL "F-Type" vessel.
The index value is based on the assessments of a well-balanced panel of 10 to 25 leading MPP Owners, Operators and Brokers to ensure a comprehensive market coverage and to reflect the different perspectives of the market participants.

The Toepfer Transport Shortsea Index (TSI)
The Toepfer Transport Shortsea Index (TSI) represents the monthly average timecharter equivalent assessment for two index vessel types.
The index value is based on the assessments of a well-balanced panel of 10 to 30 leading shortsea vessel Owners, Operators and Brokers to ensure a comprehensive market coverage and to reflect the different perspectives of the market participants.